Our Oil

The grove has been planted in three of the varieties that have made Tuscan olive oil famous - Frantoio, Leccino and Pendolino.

The oil is blended during the harvesting and pressing stage, with the olives pressed within 24 hours of being picked to ensure maximum freshness.

The olives are picked in June to avoid frost damage, and as a result of the early harvesting, the oil has a peppery, earthy flavour, unique to the region.

The resulting vibrant green oil is perfect for cooking, or drizzling, dipping and sploshing with your favourite breads or crackers.

Benefits Of Olive Oil

Health Benefits
Olive oil is a great source of Vitamin A and E, an antioxidant, which helps to neutralise cancer-causing agents in out body.

It is mono unsaturated, therefore it lowers the ‘bad’ LDL cholesterol without reducing the ‘good’ HDL cholesterol. This results in improved circulation, lowered blood pressure and less risk of heart disease.

It can also be used to alleviate other health-related issues, including constipation, diarrhoea, psoriasis, arthritis, burns, earache and a sore throat.